Tire Puncher
Repairable Tires
A tire can be repaired if:
It is punctured within the puncture repair area of the tire (pictured under the “non-repairable tire” section below)
The puncture doesn’t measure more than 1/4 of an inch in diameter
The repairs do not overlap or if the injuries are not directly across from each other
Non-Repairable Tires
In some cases, the tire can’t be repaired due to the location or severity of the damage. If the tire meets any of the non-repairable guidelines below, it’s time to buy a new tire.
Puncture Outside Repair Area
If the tire is punctured in any way outside of the Puncture Repair Area (see image), the tire cannot be repaired safely.
True tire repairs are limited to the middle, or “crown” area of the tire.
The crown is defined as the center of the tread, approximately 1 to 1.5 inches in from each shoulder. For most tires, the puncture repair area can also be defined by the first major groove on both shoulders.
Size of Puncture
The maximum repairable injury size for passenger and light truck tires through load range E is 1/4 inch, or 6mm in diameter.
If the puncture in your tire is larger than the allowable repair size, the tire must be taken out of service.
SKTOKI 887HC Tire Changer with Support Arm, 24″ Compatible, 3 Phase 200 V
Tire Puncher Repair